X17 Group brings prfessionals togheter

Sector: Food

Novel Design

Production efficiency in the food industry is accelerating due to robotisation and digitalisation. This results in production processes becoming more complex. Therefore, conventional project management strategies might not be sufficient to achieve optimal production requirements. The experience of X17 assists clients to tackle complexity and find the right project strategy.

Training and recruiting

Robotisation and digitalisation in the food industry change employee’s duties. X17 assists its clients to create a production environment that enables high labour efficiencies and has the tools to introduce a new mindset into the production environment where necessary.

Feeding Success, One Placement at a Time: X17 Group

Training and recruiting

Robotisation and digitalisation in the food industry change employee’s duties. X17 assists its clients to create a production environment that enables high labour efficiencies and has the tools to introduce a new mindset into the production environment where necessary.

Proud partners